A lithle mech that kinda reminds me of Grey fox ... a little. goona have to fix that. Just some quick thoughs and poses to show movement... I might do some key break downs....
Random Sketches and attempts at painting... I'm getting a little better I think but, I'm gonna try and get better with lighting to highlight form and posing. I'm not there yet... trying to get understand girls and thier shapes... ... well they sorta look like girls.... hmmm it's probably just the chest. Maybe I'll try some 3d stuff to put up as well. hmm.
The last post was the basic idea and clothes for my demon, now some thumbs for some poses. They're some bad ones on here, and some good ones, a basic head turn around to figure out how his face works in 3d, Then comes an illistration or some more thumbs on layout elements. Something to show character and motivation behind him.